McLain Association for Children, Georgia (MAC Georgia) is a non-governmental organization, founded in 2008, that works to improve the lives of Georgia’s most vulnerable by helping to provide the resources and services necessary for them to reach their full potential....
Comprehensive Community-Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT) is a Tanzanian health care organization that works to prevent disability, provide affordable medical and rehabilitative services, and empower people with disabilities and their families. CCBRT was...
Al Hussein Society, Jordan Center for Training and Inclusion (AHS) is a Jordanian non-governmental organization that provides a wide range of rehabilitation and educational programs and services to people with disabilities. It was established in 1971 under a directive...
Los Angeles, CA | 20 de noviembre de 2019 UCP Wheels for Humanity (UCP Wheels) tiene el placer de anunciar el lanzamiento de su segunda convocatoria a licitación (ITB, por sus siglas en inglés) a través del proyecto de Consolidación Logística para el Abastecimiento y...
Los Angeles, CA | November 20th, 2018 UCP Wheels for Humanity (UCP Wheels) is pleased to announce the launch of its second Invitation to Bid (ITB) through the USAID-funded Consolidating Logistics for Assistive Technology Supply and Provision II (CLASP II) project. The...