Diversity Action Network (DAN), formerly known as the Disability Action Network, is a non-profit organization that was founded in Somaliland in 2002 to provide physical rehabilitation and inclusion services to people with disabilities living in the Horn of Africa....
Los Angeles, CA | July 19, 2019 UCP Wheels for Humanity (UCP Wheels) is pleased to announce the launch of its third Invitation to Bid (ITB) through the USAID-funded Consolidating Logistics for Assistive Technology Supply and Provision II (CLASP II) project. The goal...
Deadline for Service Partner Applications: July 1, 2019. UCP Wheels for Humanity (UCP Wheels) is releasing its second Request for Applications (RFA) for eligible service provider organizations as described in the RFA linked below. To be eligible, service...
The Association of People with Disability, India (APD) is a non-profit organization established in 1959 to promote rights, social justice, and inclusion for persons with disabilities. APD’s mission is to nurture an inclusive ecosystem and to empower people with...
Oscar is the second oldest of five children. He and his family live together in Dar es Salaam. In 2016, having completed grade 7 with some of the highest grades in his class, he was excited to go to secondary school. However, Oscar’s disability made it difficult for...